Registration of businesses and payment of taxes
Don’t forget that you intend to make money working as a Webcam Girl or Webcam Boy and may generate income that is taxable. This applies to this and any other part-time job. So please inform yourself about the registration of businesses and the payment of taxes for income from part-time or main employment with official authorities, such as the trade office, the finance department, in trustworthy forums or with a tax advisor. The regulations in the countries in this regard vary.
The right desription for my bussines tip for business registration: In the field “registered activity” you can choose with a clear conscience something more neutral than “Cam Girl” or “Cam Boy”.
“Online trading, marketing, brokerage and marketing of goods and services of all kinds as well as related activities in the area of eCommerce, especially in the area of digital communication.”
Note 2 – If you do not only work as a cam girl or cam boy “on the side or now and then”, please also remember that you e.g. you need health insurance and keep your retirement savings in mind.
This information does not replace professional legal advice and is without guarantee.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]